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Polls Reveal Deep Republican Voting Divides

Sunday March 13, 2016

A stack cards used to help sort voters sits ready during voting in the South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary Saturday, Feb. 20, 2016, in Columbia, S.C.

The average Donald Trump voter wants a presidential candidate who supports barring Muslims from the United States.The typical Marco Rubio supporter strongly opposes barring Muslims.

Republicans across the United States vote in the same primaries and caucuses but surveys reveal their values and life experiences are very different.

Exit polling from 13 state caucuses and primaries reveals a remarkably consistent portrait of the type of person who votes for a particular candidate. Their clashing priorities speak to the divided field this campaign season and may provide some insight into how Trump has managed to withstand attacks from the other presidential candidates.

"This election cycle is different than any in the past in being able to segment out voters by values, religion, wealth, jobs and any other characteristic," said Rory Cooper, managing director at the bipartisan Purple Strategies.


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