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Hargeisa Secessionists Desecrate Somali National Flag

P R E S S   R E L E A S E

For Immediate Release

January 22, 2007

Ironically, the ingrates burned Bluuglay at the very site where it was hoisted for the first time on the first parcel of Somali soil that was decolonized.

The Northern Somalis for Peace and Unity (NSPU) strongly condemns the recent, despicable act of desecration in which Hargeisa-based secessionists burned the Somali national flag.  Ironically, the ingrates burned Bluuglay at the very site where it was hoisted for the first time on the first parcel of Somali soil that was decolonized. It is a sad commentary that the mutinous secessionists would go out of their way to insult all Somalis, irrespective of home region or place of residence, in this way. It is also a shameful affront to the memories of our forefathers who struggled and paid a high price for the realization of this, most memorable event of independence on June 26, 1960

NSPU also categorically rejects the dishonest, mob-like demonstrations in Hargeisa that the secessionists orchestrated in that city some days ago for the sole purpose of deceiving the international community into thinking that northern Somalis would want to secede from the rest of the country.  Nothing is further from the truth.  A plurality of the Somali people in the northern regions are unalterably opposed to the often repeated fabrication by the secessionists that there is a separate entity called “Somaliland”; when in fact three (3) out of the five (5) northern regions in the former British Somaliland Protectorate are against secession and are solidly in the pro-Union camp. 

To prove this point, on the same day the secessionists organized their pathetic demonstration in their enclave, large counter demonstrations were held in the cities of Badhan and Hadaaftimo in the Sanaag region.  Huge pro national unity demonstrations similarly sprang spontaneously in Las Anod, the regional capital of Sool and in Buuhoodle District of the Cayn region.  Meanwhile, residents of the Awdal region, in the far northwest, have simply refused to buckle under pressure and join demonstrations orchestrated by absentee secessionist politicians who came to the region to foment rebellion.

All these point to the illegitimacy and bankruptcy of the clan-driven, blind quest to secede the northern regions of Somalia from the rest of the country.  But the secessionists had never, in more than dozen years, let facts or reason get in the way of their chasing of what is patently a hopeless pipedream; namely, to revive a long-dead colonial entity (British Somaliland Protectorate) and use it as a tool to dismember Somalia and establish a one-clan hegemony over the other Somali clans of the north.

Yet, the secessionists persist in trotting on that fruitless path without any prospect of ever realizing their subversive project.  Characteristically, they never miss an opportunity to spew and hurl hate-filled invectives against other fellow Somalis, especially their brothers and sisters in the southern regions.

Faisal Ali Waraabe
Chairman of the Justice and Welfare Party of "Somaliland".

On this particular occasion, unalloyed fear about the current, realistic prospect of Somalis succeeding, at long last, to once again reconstitute the central authority of the country has gripped and traumatized the secessionists. After all, their whole strategy for separation and secession was predicated on the assumption that anarchy and lawlessness will continue to plague the south, particularly the capital city of Mogadishu and its vicinity.  Thus, in an apparent state of panic, they threw out all pretences to civility and decorum to the wind and proceeded to wantonly desecrate the much-loved symbol of Somali unity—the beautiful national flag.

This disgraceful act of delinquency bordering on sedition was orchestrated by rabble-rousing politicians, led by none other than Faisal Ali Waraabe (Faisal the Hyena).  Mr. Waraabe and the other reprobates of his ilk have proved, beyond doubt, that they would stop at nothing to incite their already agitated constituency to rebellion.  And, for what purpose, one might ask?  For what purpose, indeed! Since, hell will freeze over before the secessionist miscreants get their way!

It is quite befitting that most of the intransigent, narrow-minded Hargeisa politicians, who campaign to dismember the Somali Republic hold foreign Passports.  Their unreasonableness is a function of the options that they have, which are not available to their often misled and frequently propagandized constituency.  That is, to catch the next plane to such foreign capitals as London, Helsinki, Sydney, Stockholm, etc., after it becomes apparent to them all that their ill-fated obsession with secession is doomed to failure.

When that day comes, (as surely it will) the likes of Mr. Waraabe would have no qualms about leaving for distant shores with the poor local citizens holding the bag!  So, brothers and sisters of northwestern Somalia, beware of those who will tell you that they are going abroad to seek “recognition” for ‘Somaliland’.  They are either going abroad to stash the thousands of dollars they stole from your meager resources or to indulge in their yearly routine of returning to their foreign residences, and lament all the mistakes they made over the years in their goofy “jihads” against their fellow Somalis.

Long live Somalia: United, Peaceful, and Prosperous!

For further information, please contact: Gamal Hassan
Director, Communication & Public Relations Unit

5470 Merivale Rd. Ottawa, Ontario. K2C 3M1 Canada
E-mail: [email protected]  website: www.somaliunity.org

NORTHERN SOMALIS FOR PEACE & UNITY (NSPU) is a grass-roots Somali advocacy organization with Branches in Somalia, United Arab Emirates, Canada, USA, UK, Sweden, and South Africa. We are dedicated to the promotion of peace and unity among the long suffering people of Somalia. We believe the ‘Somalia problem’ can only be dealt with within the framework of a holistic strategic approach aimed at the empowerment of a central government to rebuild national democratic  governance institutions and restore law and order throughout the country. NSPU believes the balkanization of Somalia is a recipe for future conflicts and a bleak future for the Somali people, who are bonded by ethnicity, language, religion, and shared centuries-old  culture and  traditions.