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'African Eagles' train at Anatolia Barracks in Somalia

& AA
Tuesday August 23, 2022

Somali soldiers, known as African Eagles, are trained in the Anatolia Barracks of the Turkish Armed Forces in Mogadishu, Somalia, Aug.23, 2022. (AA Photo)

The Turkish Task Force Command in Somalia (STGK) of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) is helping Somalia address its need for qualified military personnel.

After the signing of a framework agreement on military education, technical and scientific cooperation between Türkiye and Somalia in 2010, the relations between the two countries accelerated with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's visit to Somalia on Aug. 19, 2011.

The Anatolia Barracks, where the STGK still serves, was opened in Somalia on Sept. 30, 2017 by then-Chief of Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar following a Cabinet decision.

At the barracks on the coast of the Indian Ocean, aid efforts and work continues to support and improve the organization, education, training, military infrastructure and logistics systems of the Somali security forces.

The country's officers and sergeants are trained at the site.

The STGK's Military School Command plays an important role in helping meet the need for qualified personnel in Somalia.

Somalis who have completed their high school education, meet the physical and health requirements and pass the exam and interview are admitted to the academy as military students after completing adjustment training.

Officers and sergeants receive six months of accelerated Turkish education at school. Afterward, sergeants are trained for one year and officers for two years. In addition to courses such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, military history, military geography and operations management, students are also given mechanics, marksmanship and shooting, and combat layouts training.

At the end of the year, a continental internship training is held at the barracks in cooperation with Somali troops. The training is provided by Turkish military personnel and Turkish-speaking Somali soldiers.

Officers from the school graduate with the rank of "lieutenant" and sergeants with the rank of "staff sergeant." With the Turkish preparatory class starting next year, the training will be two years for sergeants and three years for officers.

'African Eagles'

At the STGK Unity Training Group Command, which saw off its first graduates in 2018, the soldiers receive basic military training for three months from Turkish military personnel and Somali soldiers who have previously graduated from military schools within the body of STGK.

The sergeants who successfully complete the course then undergo commando training in Isparta for 10 weeks, and those who are successful are rewarded with a commando badge and begin their duty in the Somali National Army. In addition, weapons, vehicles and equipment are also provided by Türkiye.

The "African Eagles" formed by these programs play an important role in ensuring security in the country.

STGK is always with Somali Armed Forces

In his statement, STGK Cmdr. Brig. Gen. Hakan Dinçer stated that the command started its operations at the Anatolia Barracks on Sep. 30, 2017, within the scope of the bilateral agreements signed between Türkiye and Somalia.

“In STGK, known in Somalia as Camp TURKSOM, officers and sergeants are trained in the Military School Command, and commando battalions are trained in the Unity Training Command, together with the personnel of the Somali Armed Forces.

“The officers and sergeants who graduated from here continue their education in classroom schools and training center commands in Türkiye, and then return to Somalia and start their duties in their new units. Within the scope of unit training, commando battalions that have completed their basic military training are sent to Isparta for commando training, and after their training, they join the ranks of the Somali Armed Forces. Apart from these trainings, refresher trainings are given to the troops and personnel who have completed their training and served in the continents, both in the Anatolia Barracks and in other barracks, and when the need for additional training arises, are given in Somalia or in Türkiye. We are always with the friendly and brotherly people of Somalia and the Somali Armed Forces,” Dinçer said.


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