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How young Guri-El DC is transforming his town by banning khat among public officials

Wednesday February 3, 2021
Farah Abdi Moamlim, district commissioner of Guri-El in Galgaduud region.

Guri-El, Somalia (HOL) - Khat chewing in Somalia remains one of the most addictive habits which cuts across virtually all sectors of the society including public offices. It has for the longest been blamed for poor performance among public officers given the addictive nature of the drug and cost implications.

But some leaders are gradually changing that trend and instilling discipline within their workforce. Meet Farah Abdi Moalim, the district commissioner of Guri-El in Galgaduud region. Young and progressive, Moalim has managed to rid his administration of the leafy stimulant.

“Khat addiction has ruined development in Somalia,” Moalim told HOL during an interview in the town. “All public officials are not allowed to consume khat because we know its effects.”

The results of khat free public service can be seen in the pace of development in the town.

Even though Guri-El is the most populous and fastest growing city in the region, the Federal Government has not formally recognized it as a district. "It is time the Federal Government to recognize Guri-El as district" said Moalim.

Guri-El Airport rivals most airports in central Somalia with a fine run-way and established airport facilities. Moalim has ordered the renaming of the airport as Gen. Mohamed Nur Galaal Airport in honour of the fallen decorated former retired army general who was killed by Al-Shabaab during the Afrik Hotel attack in Mogadishu this past week.

Guri-El airport now named as Gen. Mohamed Nur Galaal Airport

Having been a stronghold of the militant group Al-Shabaab for long, Guri-El is now free of the militants even though they still make attempts to return. But how has the town which has no outside military support such as AMISOM fended off the militants?

“Everyone is responsible for the security of this town,” said Moalim. “When there is a fight against Al-Shabaab, everyone takes part; civilians join hands with the forces until the militants are driven out.”

Moalim is among few Somali leaders committed to transforming the country and stands out as a role model to many others especially those of his generation.


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